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 Benghazi Hearings ...

February 3, 2013 : Gen. Dempsey: US Reaction on Benghazi'Appropriately Responsive' 

February 2, 2013: CIA and State Department Accounts of BenghaziAttack Contradict ... 

Clinton to face Congress on Libya assault:  http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20130123/US.Clinton.Libya/ 

Defiant Clinton takes on lawmakers on Libya attack: http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20130123/US.Clinton.Libya/ 

Benghazi Heroes Honored: http://www.benghaziheroescampaign.com/benghazi-heroes-honored-at-9-11-memorial-in-patriots-park-in-venice/ 



Greater than the boat lift of Dunkurk in WWII,  500,000 people in nine (9) hours, by boat.
This is  something amazing; very few people are aware of this wonderful effort!
Narrated by Tom Hanks.


Click on:NYC Mayor Says Work on 9/11 Museum Has Stalled - ABC News-

The 9/11 Memorial South ...no possibility it will open on time next year…

Click on:'No chance' of 9/11 museum opening on time, New York mayor says ...-

'No chance' of 9/11 museum opening on time.

 Never before seen Video of WTC 9/11 attack
 Students with Bushon 9/11 Look Back After bin Laden Death
 EmmaE. BookerElementary School VideosOnline - VideoSurf Video...
 President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden
 Osama Bin Laden Dead: Inside Navy SEALsTeam Six, Training
 Super Dog part of operation against Osama Bin Ladenin Pakistan
 Videoof Bin Laden celebrations at White House, Times Sq, Ground Zero
 President Obamavisits Ground Zero
 Bush Not Joining Obama at Ground ZeroThursday
 YouTube- Video: Osama Bin LadenDamaged Image of Islam (CAIR-Chicago)